Cryptoguard detectado por Sophos (de mentira)

Abrir el correo y ver alarmas de Cryptoguard te hace perder unos días de vida, después del susto inicial resulta que es un falso positivo y la solucion que te da Sophos es que instales un hotfix que es una pre-release y que ellos mismos te invitan a que no la instales en producción. Como suele decirse … pa mear y no echar gota.

Y se quedan tan anchos … vamos no me jodas …

«Please be aware that although this version has been through some basic testing, it is not fully release tested and should be considered as a pre-release version for testing only. Sophos recommends that you only install this version on test machines to confirm that the issue is resolved.»

Y no acaba ahí la cosa …

«After following these steps, please verify if the original issue still occurs. If it does, please contact Sophos Support and provide them with as much information as possible about the issue, the cause, and what troubleshooting has been performed; including the use of the hotfix build.»

Ademas de que pagas, te usan como beta-tester con todo el puto morro.

«If the issue no longer occurs, customers can be assured that Sophos is working to resolve this issue in the upcoming release.

On the next major version release of Intercept X or Exploit Prevention the hotfix version will automatically be replaced by the full release version that should fix your issue.»

Lo típico … si falla es problema tuyo y si lo arregla la medalla es para nosotros.

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